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Tudor Bercea Articles, Information

Happy Birthday!

Rodica si Matei Baciu

The days are short and years pass on by. You look behind you and you ask yourself where did all the years go? But what is more important: that they are gone or the way they went? Abraham Lincoln once said “It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your …

Tudor Bercea Articles, Events

Arts and crafts fair in Targu Mures

Targ de Arte si Meserii Mai 2018

In Targu Mures and the whole country we are facing a profound craftsman crisis. The auto service overalls are no longer a reason for pride, but we forget that work is priceless, and as the wise King Solomon once said, “If you see a skillful man doing his trade, he may stand alongside kings.”

Tudor Bercea Articles, Events

Do you want more?

Training Materom 2018

We firmly believe we cannot become what we ought to be if we stay where we are. Everything changes all the time and if we wish to be performant we need to keep up with these changes, or we will fail.

Tudor Bercea Articles, Events, Products